Examples of Premise Liability Accidents

Premise liability is a legal term used to describe the responsibilities of home and business owners. According to premise liability laws, property owners are responsible for safely maintaining their property. If they fail to do so, they may be held liable for injuries resulting from their negligence. If you have been injured on somebody else's property, consult an Injury Lawyer in Kitchener regarding your legal rights and options. Premise liability covers other types of accidents as well. Here are some examples:

• Falling objects. A falling thing, such as a glass that shatters or a ceiling tile that falls, can cause serious injuries. This can happen in retail stores, restaurants, and other businesses.
• Fires or explosions. If a fire or explosion occurs due to the negligence of the property owner, the victim may be able to file a premise liability claim to recover damages for any injuries they suffer.
• Dog bites. Dog owners are responsible for the actions of their pets - even if they are unaware of any aggressive tendencies their dogs possess. Failure to properly restrain an aggressive dog may injure another person who is visiting the property where the dog resides.
• Slip and fall accidents. Injuries from slip and fall accidents may occur when a property owner fails to remove excess water, ice or snow from the walkways around their property. They can also happen when a property owner fails to quickly fix a dangerous condition on their property, such as a broken stairway or loose railing.
• Swimming pool accidents. When children are involved in swimming pool accidents, the results can be devastating. Property owners must take precautions to protect children from wandering into swimming pools by installing fences or covers that prevent children from gaining access to their pools without supervision.
• Escalator and elevator accidents. Escalators and elevators may malfunction due to poor maintenance or design flaws, causing passengers to suffer severe injuries or even death if they become trapped in them.

Common injuries from these accidents include broken bones, lacerations, back and spine injuries, traumatic brain injuries and even death. An Injury Lawyer in Kitchener can help you in the following ways:

• Investigate the accident
• Establish fault
• Build Your Case
• Negotiate with insurance companies
• Take your case to trial if needed

An Injury Lawyer in Kitchener can advise you on whether there was a duty of care owed to you by the property owner or manager. You must prove that the property owner knew or should have known about the dangerous condition that caused your injuries and failed to correct it. Furthermore, you will need to show that you were unaware of the danger when you entered the premises and could not have reasonably avoided it yourself. For more information visit Our Website

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